RISE - B12 con sabor a bayas y menta

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Déjate llevar hacia la tierra de los sueños
La probada y verdadera hormona natural que ayuda al sueño, mejorada por los efectos relajantes de la B6 y la pasiflora, eliminará el estrés del día y lo guiará hacia un estado zen de sueño natural.
Las gomitas relajantes de melatonina LUVV Sweet Dreams están formuladas de manera óptima para regular el ritmo circadiano del cuerpo, respaldar su salud y aliviar la sensación de estrés e inquietud.
¡Cada botella contiene 60 gomitas masticables con un delicioso sabor natural a maracuyá, para un suministro de sueño reparador para un mes!
I absolutely loved them. I slept really good and woke up rested. I will be tellingy friends and family about this product.
I work night shifts at a hospital so getting a good sleep can be next to impossible sometimes, I don't know how I'd manage without this product, definitely recommend
The product works as intended but like me, you will probably need to take an extra gummy or two for the desired effect.
These gummies are good for slowing down at bedtime. I don't use it every night, just when I'm restless and have too much energy when I should be going to sleep. I fall asleep easily and wake up energized again
I liked using these gummies but my one complaint would be the price point. Not sure how sustainable it'll be to keep purchasing but they're working great for now